Sunday, May 2, 2010

The New Doctor Who

This week I caught up on the three new episodes of Dr Who with the new Doctor played by Matt Smith. I love that over in Britain they air the new season or special episodes on big holidays like Christmas or Easter as this time being the case. In America we just have reruns because they don’t think we are going to sit down and watch TV on holidays. But if you are like me that is really the only time you can sit down and watch TV because you do not have to go to work. Sorry, I digress.

Now for my thoughts on the season opener:

I quite liked it. Surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did (though I really do miss David Tennant, sob).

What I really liked was the establishment of the Amelia Pond character (played by Karen Gillan) with the Doctor. That she knew him since a child. Brilliant! I also like that she is a strong female character. I never really liked Billie Piper. There I said it. I know; how can I like Tennant but not the love of his life? I keep digressing sorry.

The Tartis (that’s his time traveling space ship for those who have never seen the show) is pretty cool this time around. It’s still a police call box on the outside (let’s hope they never change that) but the inside they updated it to the new character. I liked how they antiqued it for the stuffy professor look the Doctor is now going for. I think it is cool how there are now passage ways in the ship so maybe we will see other rooms. Also I like their new Doctor Who logo. I would post a picture but that would require some thinking and I am not in the mind set for that right now.

The season trailer looks so intriguing and I am way excited that the “Weeping Angels” are coming back (see my last Dr Who post about the “Blink” episode being my favorite).

The only problem I am having is that I didn’t quite enjoy last night’s episode (#3). It didn’t hold me. It could be that I was distracted by the Doctors too short pants and cheesy bowtie but I think it comes down to that he doesn’t have a presence that says “Trust me I’m The Doctor.” His madness seems juvenile not funny like Tennant. But maybe I just need time to adjust. The theme it looks like for this season is “the crack” if you watch closely it is everywhere. So we will see as the season plays along how the new Doctor fits. Here’s hoping!

1 comment:

  1. The blink eposoide was cool spooky, I loved it. It gave me the shivers. I havent't seen the new Dr. I just get the re-runs on PBS, but the fact that the ladies are going to make a re-apperance- yea!
