Tuesday night I had an opportunity to hear the Newberry Award winner author Richard Peck speak at my library. He has written over 30 books, so hopefully you have taken the opportunity to pick one up in your life time. I would recommend A Long Way from Chicago, probably my favorite book of his. Mainly because it made me laugh with his over the top characters yet still deal with everyday problems.
Mr. Peck was so funny in person, not just in his writing. He is to date my favorite author I have heard speak and being a librarian I have had many opportunities to hear quite a few. He hit home some very true points and I wish I had taken notes to share because he did inspire me to be I don’t know, be a better person, more like be the best you. So if you ever have a chance, hear him speak.
I love Grandma Dowdel! Thanks for taking me with you!