Wednesday night JR and I went to the Hale Center Theater in Orem to see the production of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. I read so many good things about it so I was looking forward to the production. I didn’t realize it was going to be a musical and I was a bit concerned how they were going to make it work but it did. I laughed so hard at one point my eyes were watering. The cast did an awesome job. My favorite actor was Natalie Wheeler. Her dead pan humor was perfect. Dave Tinney reminded me of a classic 40s film star and Brett Merritt’s energy had me rolling in my seat. All the supporting cast, production crew, etc. made it a wonderful evening out. If you get a chance catch it before it closes next week.
The only problem I had was that the guy seating next to me practically sat in my lap. Why do guys not understand you stay in the arm rest area? That includes your legs as well. Why would you want to be that close to a stranger anyways?
It was a fantastic production! Loved it!